Gender: Male | Eye Colour: Hazel | Hair Colour: Greying | Hair Length: Medium
Build: Muscular | Voice Quality Warm, Deep, Melodious | Voice Character Earthy, Authoritative
Playing Age: 40 - 50 years | Height: 6ft 1ins | Weight: 13 st / 185 lbs | Appearance White
Title Role Production Company Director
Honeybun Runner Starter (supporting) Wonderful Day Studio Thomas Kennedy Pope
Life Death Scad Movies April Wang
Saving Fangio Juan Fangio (lead) Bright West Pictures Gianluca Barre
Christie! Lord Downing Kayak Films Azi Rahman
In The Name Of Alex (supporting) Tiger Ventures Beata Hughes
The Fifth Step Francisco (lead) Knife Productions Donna Maybey
I Confess The Stranger (lead) Stone Paradise Productions Fernando Stein
Mystic Voices Roger Williams (lead) Mystic Voices Charlie Clemmons
Dark Waters Malcolm (lead) Discovery ID Colin Sonner
America's Nicest Item Reece (lead) MommyComedy Ryan Kelly
9/11: Voices From The Air Bill Sliney (lead) National Geographic Stephen Finnegan
Urban Legends Klaus Tauber (lead) Channel 5 (UK) Luke Campbell
Product/Brand Role Production Company Director
Mr Sheen (Reckitt Benckiser) Mr Sheen Generator Films Rob Kaplan
Words Won’t Do Newscaster Path Film Productions Riyad Barmania
Punchbag (Labour Party TV) Tory Silverfish Beeban Kidron
Why Choose CQD CEO Howling Bear Productions Martin Simpson-Hughes
HomeChoice Help Squad Brains Home Choice TV Kathryn Stebbings
Barclays Bank Manager Barclays Bank Louise Bathgate
Title Role Venue Director
Life of Riley Announcer Shakespeare Playhouse, Atlanta Jon Hayden
The Voysey Inheritance Major Voysey Bridewell Theatre, London Colin Guthrie
Much Ado About Nothing Dogberry Verulanium Park, St Albans Simon Bolton
Macbeth Macbeth Pre Catalan, Paris Ruth Sullivan
Whipping It Up Alastair Bridewell, Theatre, London Lesley Strachan
Seduction Businessman/director Above The Stag, London Peter Bull
Twelfth Night Malvolio Rooftop Theatre, St Albans Simon Bolton
The Elephant Man Treves Broadway Theatre, Catford, UK Cameron Jack
Charles Wesley 1707 Charles Wesley UK national tour Peter Moreton
Liddell/Millais/Whistler Light Across The Lake King’s Head Islington, London Jemma Gross
When The Reaper Calls Victor Pierce English Theatre of Hamburg Bob Rumpf
Flare Path Peter Kyle Jermyn Street Theatre, London David Harris
Betrayal Jerry Millpond Arts, Portsmouth, NH Crawford Mills
1-year postgraduate acting, Actors Company, London Centre for Theatre Studies
HB Studio, NY (scene study with Austin Pendleton)
Meisner training, London
MA in history, University of Cambridge
Special Skills
RP, standard American, Lancashire, Geordie, Scottish, cockney, Southern Irish
Rowing (crew), cricket, boxing, weight training, powered boat handling
Presenter, interactive theatre, improvisation
Experienced writer, with good knowledge of financial markets
US and UK driving licenses